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Showing 122 results for your search

World Food Day, 2023: A Commitment to a Hunger-Free World

On October 16, as we commemorate World Food Day in the year…

7 Min Read

Spanish Language

Spanish (español or lengua española) is a Romance language with its roots…

12 Min Read

Top 10 Languages on the Internet: A Global Overview

Top 10 Languages on the Internet: Often hailed as a global communication…

4 Min Read

List of 10 Languages by Total Number of Speakers

The following is a list of languages categorized by the total number…

3 Min Read

Ranking of Human Languages by Native Speakers

It is common practice to rank human languages by the number of…

3 Min Read

Iranian Protests Mark the First Anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s Death

Iran witnessed widespread protests on Saturday as people commemorated the first anniversary…

3 Min Read

The AI-Driven Technological Revolution: Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, and Airplanes

Humanity stands on the brink of a profound technological revolution ushered in…

3 Min Read

Star Wars: The Iconic American Space Saga

George Lucas's Epic Creation That Transcended Generations Star Wars, an iconic American…

6 Min Read

Celebrating International Cartoon Day, 18 September: Championing Freedom of Expression through Art

International Cartoon Day, celebrated on 18 September each year, is dedicated to…

8 Min Read

Exploring the Marvel Universe: A Comprehensive Character Guide of 10

The Marvel Universe is a sprawling and dynamic multiverse filled with a…

13 Min Read

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha): The Journey of the Enlightened One

Siddhartha Gautama (l. c. 563 - c. 483 BCE), commonly known as…

10 Min Read

Poverty reduction through private sector engagement

Poverty remains one of the most pressing global challenges, with millions of…

5 Min Read

World Breastfeeding Week, 1-7 August: Nurturing Health, Empowering Women, and Fostering a Sustainable Future

World Breastfeeding Week, 1-7 August: Nurturing Health, Empowering Women, and Fostering a…

13 Min Read

28 July is World Hepatitis Day: Raising Global Awareness and Eliminating the Silent Killer

28 July is World Hepatitis Day: Raising Global Awareness and Eliminating the…

9 Min Read

The History of Tea: The Rise of Tea in the Western World

From China to the World: How Tea Spread Across Continents Tea, one…

24 Min Read