Top 10 Best Fantasy Novels You’ve Never Heard Of: Hidden Gems in the Fantasy Genre

Sondre Borg
Sondre Borg - Writer
10 Min Read
Image: StaraAvis

While epic series like The Lord of the Rings and A Song of Ice and Fire are household names, there are countless lesser-known fantasy novels that deserve just as much attention. These hidden gems offer rich world-building, complex characters, and unique takes on magic and adventure. Here are the top 10 best fantasy novels you’ve likely never heard of but should add to your reading list.

1. “The Goblin Emperor” by Katherine Addison

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
This novel quietly flew under the radar upon its release, but it has since become a beloved cult favorite among fantasy readers for its political intrigue and unique world-building.

The Goblin Emperor
‘The Goblin Emperor’” by tillwe is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Plot Overview

After the sudden death of his family, Maia, a half-goblin, ascends to the throne of an elvish empire. Thrust into a world of court politics, treachery, and betrayal, Maia must navigate his new role while facing prejudice due to his goblin heritage. The novel stands out for its focus on political maneuvering and character development rather than action-packed battles.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Rich, intricate political intrigue
  • Focus on character growth and inner strength
  • A refreshing, kind-hearted protagonist in a genre filled with darker antiheroes

2. “The Black Company” by Glen Cook

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Though influential, The Black Company often gets overshadowed by more mainstream military fantasy series.

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Plot Overview

The story follows a mercenary company caught in the service of a mysterious and malevolent sorceress known as the Lady. The novel blends gritty military fantasy with morally complex characters, all told through the perspective of Croaker, the company’s physician and chronicler.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Gritty, realistic depiction of war
  • Morally ambiguous characters
  • A precursor to the grimdark genre, influencing authors like Joe Abercrombie and George R.R. Martin

3. “City of Stairs” by Robert Jackson Bennett

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Despite critical acclaim, City of Stairs remains a hidden gem within the fantasy genre.

Plot Overview

In a world where gods once ruled, the city of Bulikov lies in ruins after the gods were killed. The story follows Shara Thivani, a spy sent to investigate the murder of a historian in this decaying, mysterious city. Shara uncovers secrets about the gods and their demise, leading to a gripping mix of mystery, politics, and divine intrigue.

Why It’s a Gem

  • An inventive, unique setting with a rich history
  • Blends mystery, espionage, and fantasy seamlessly
  • Strong female protagonist and complex world-building

4. “Swordspoint” by Ellen Kushner

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Published in the 1980s, Swordspoint often gets overshadowed by more action-oriented fantasy novels, but it has developed a devoted following over the years.

Plot Overview

Set in a city where political power is brokered through duels fought by hired swordsmen, Swordspoint follows Richard St. Vier, a master swordsman, and his lover Alec as they navigate the dangerous world of nobles, intrigue, and betrayal.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Elegant, character-driven narrative with political and romantic intrigue
  • A world where magic is largely absent, but tension and stakes remain high
  • Beautiful prose and a focus on wit and dialogue

5. “The Curse of Chalion” by Lois McMaster Bujold

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Despite winning awards, The Curse of Chalion doesn’t get as much mainstream recognition as some of its contemporaries.

Plot Overview

After years of war and captivity, Cazaril returns home, broken in body and spirit. He is appointed as tutor to the royal family, but he soon finds himself at the center of political intrigue and divine intervention. Bujold’s novel combines courtly politics with a unique take on destiny and divine influence.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Thoughtful exploration of destiny and free will
  • A unique, gentle protagonist who relies on intelligence over brute strength
  • Rich world-building with complex political and religious systems

6. “The Forgotten Beasts of Eld” by Patricia A. McKillip

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Despite winning the World Fantasy Award, this 1974 novel often gets overlooked in discussions of classic fantasy.

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Plot Overview

Sybel, a sorceress living in isolation, is the master of a menagerie of magical creatures. When a baby is left in her care, Sybel is drawn into the world of men, politics, and war, where she must confront the power of love, vengeance, and forgiveness.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Lyrical, poetic prose
  • A quiet, introspective story about love and power
  • Timeless, mythic quality that feels both classic and fresh

7. “The Bone Doll’s Twin” by Lynn Flewelling

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
This dark and atmospheric fantasy series never achieved the mainstream attention of larger fantasy epics.

Plot Overview

Set in a kingdom where a tyrant has destroyed all female heirs to the throne, The Bone Doll’s Twin follows Tobin, a young boy with a hidden secret: he was born a girl, magically disguised as a boy to protect his life. As he grows, Tobin begins to unravel the truth about his identity, family, and destiny.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Dark, haunting atmosphere with a focus on gender and identity
  • Strong character development and emotional depth
  • Intriguing magic system and political intrigue

8. “The Lies of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
While it’s highly regarded by fantasy enthusiasts, The Lies of Locke Lamora is still relatively unknown outside of hardcore fantasy circles.

Plot Overview

Set in the city of Camorr, a Venice-like city full of thieves, assassins, and corrupt nobles, the novel follows Locke Lamora, a master thief, and his band of con artists as they navigate a dangerous web of crime, betrayal, and revenge.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Clever, witty dialogue and humor
  • A complex, richly detailed city that feels alive
  • Heists, capers, and intricate plotting keep the pace moving

9. “The Traitor Baru Cormorant” by Seth Dickinson

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
This politically charged, deeply complex novel doesn’t fit the mold of traditional fantasy, making it less known despite its brilliance.

Plot Overview

Baru Cormorant is a brilliant young woman determined to bring down the empire that conquered her homeland. By rising through the ranks of the Empire’s treacherous bureaucracy, Baru embarks on a journey of political manipulation, sacrifice, and betrayal.

Why It’s a Gem

  • A brilliant examination of power, identity, and sacrifice
  • Complex political intrigue with a morally ambiguous protagonist
  • Unconventional fantasy with a focus on empire, economics, and rebellion

10. “The Broken Sword” by Poul Anderson

Why You’ve Never Heard of It:
Overshadowed by Tolkien’s works at the time of its release, The Broken Sword has since become a cult classic in fantasy circles.

Plot Overview

Set in a Norse-inspired world of elves, trolls, and gods, The Broken Sword tells the tragic story of Skafloc, a human raised by elves, and his cursed twin brother, Valgard. The novel is a dark, epic tale of war, revenge, and doomed love.

Why It’s a Gem

  • Fast-paced, brutal storytelling with a mythic quality
  • Norse mythology-inspired world full of rich folklore
  • Dark, tragic themes that make it stand apart from lighter fantasy

Best Fantasy Novels You’ve Never Heard Of

These hidden gems offer unique takes on the fantasy genre, from political intrigue and complex world-building to character-driven narratives and dark, atmospheric settings. If you’re a fan of fantasy and are looking for something off the beaten path, these novels are perfect for expanding your horizons and discovering new, unforgettable stories. Each of these books brings something fresh and exciting to the table, proving that there’s plenty of fantasy gold beyond the mainstream.

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By Sondre Borg Writer
I'm Sondre Borg, but you can call me Sondre. I'm a cheerful Norwegian Digital Nomad and writer, ready to embark on exciting adventures through words and pixels! 🌍✍️
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