7 Best Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Simon Cress
Simon Cress
8 Min Read
Photo by Swello on Unsplash

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professionals looking to network, build their personal brand, and unlock new career opportunities. Whether you’re seeking a new job, growing your business, or establishing yourself as an industry expert, having a standout LinkedIn profile is essential. As the editor of StarAvis.com and a digital marketing expert, I’ve seen firsthand how a polished and optimized LinkedIn profile can open doors. Here are seven of the best ways to improve your LinkedIn profile and boost your professional presence.

1. Optimize Your Headline with Keywords

Why It’s Important:

Your LinkedIn headline is one of the first things people see when they visit your profile, and it plays a crucial role in search rankings. By using relevant keywords, you make it easier for recruiters, potential clients, and industry peers to find you. A generic headline like “Marketing Professional” won’t stand out, but a keyword-optimized headline like “Digital Marketing Specialist | SEO & Content Strategy Expert” will.

How to Improve It:

  • Incorporate industry-specific keywords relevant to your skills, role, and expertise.
  • Showcase your value: Include a brief description of what you do and how you help businesses or individuals.
  • Keep it concise and impactful: You have 220 characters, so use them wisely.

Pro Tip: Use keywords that recruiters or clients might search for, such as specific tools, skills, or job titles.

2. Choose a Professional Profile Picture

Why It’s Important:

Your profile picture is your first visual impression. LinkedIn data shows that profiles with a professional headshot get 14 times more profile views than those without one. A well-lit, high-quality photo helps establish credibility and professionalism.

How to Improve It:

  • Use a high-resolution photo where you are well-dressed, approachable, and the focus of the image.
  • Ensure good lighting and a simple background to keep the focus on you.
  • Smile naturally to convey warmth and professionalism.

Pro Tip: Avoid casual selfies or overly formal photos. Aim for a balance between approachability and professionalism.

3. Craft a Compelling About Section

Why It’s Important:

Your About section (formerly known as the Summary) is your chance to tell your professional story, highlight your achievements, and showcase your personality. This section should engage readers and offer a clear sense of who you are, what you do, and how you add value. Think of it as your elevator pitch.

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How to Improve It:

  • Start with a strong opening that grabs attention—perhaps a career highlight or a personal mantra.
  • Highlight your key skills and experiences, focusing on how you’ve made an impact in your roles.
  • Include a call to action—whether it’s encouraging connections or inviting collaboration opportunities.

Pro Tip: Write in the first person for a more personal touch, and keep your tone conversational yet professional.

Why It’s Important:

The Featured section of LinkedIn allows you to showcase your work in a visual and interactive way. Whether it’s a project, article, video, or presentation, adding media can bring your experience to life and provide a stronger sense of your capabilities.

How to Improve It:

  • Upload key work samples, such as articles, reports, or case studies that demonstrate your skills.
  • Highlight presentations or speaking engagements to establish your expertise in a particular area.
  • Include videos or portfolios that show off creative work, product demos, or important achievements.

Pro Tip: Regularly update this section with your latest work to keep your profile fresh and relevant.

man holding tablet computer. 7 Best Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

5. Get Endorsements and Recommendations

Why It’s Important:

Endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, clients, or mentors validate your skills and expertise. Recommendations, in particular, carry significant weight, as they offer third-party validation of your abilities and accomplishments. The more endorsements and recommendations you have, the more credible you appear to potential employers or business partners.

How to Improve It:

  • Request endorsements for key skills from colleagues or former employers. Be sure to endorse others as well.
  • Reach out for recommendations from people who can speak directly to your work ethic, skills, and successes.
  • Be specific when requesting a recommendation. Ask them to focus on particular skills or experiences that align with your goals.

Pro Tip: Aim for a variety of endorsements and recommendations from peers at different levels to show that you’re well-rounded and respected across the board.

man in black sweater using macbook pro. 7 Best Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

6. Tailor Your Experience Section for Impact

Why It’s Important:

Your Experience section should provide more than just a list of job titles—it’s your opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and highlight the value you’ve added in each role. This section needs to be clear, concise, and focused on results.

How to Improve It:

  • Focus on achievements rather than responsibilities. Use metrics and specific examples to demonstrate impact (e.g., “Increased web traffic by 30% through targeted SEO strategies”).
  • Use bullet points for readability and include keywords relevant to your industry.
  • Keep descriptions concise but informative—focus on the most important achievements in each role.

Pro Tip: Customize each job entry with keywords related to your skills and industry, which helps with search visibility.

7. Engage with Your Network Regularly

Why It’s Important:

LinkedIn is not a “set it and forget it” platform. Engaging regularly with your network by posting content, sharing insights, and interacting with others’ posts keeps you top-of-mind and establishes your presence as a thought leader in your field. Regular engagement helps you grow your network and opens doors for new opportunities.

How to Improve It:

  • Share industry news or articles with your thoughts on the subject to show expertise.
  • Comment on and engage with posts from connections, especially those in your industry or niche.
  • Post original content like blogs, case studies, or lessons learned to add value to your network.

Pro Tip: Set aside time each week to engage with your LinkedIn community—this will improve visibility and help grow your connections.

black tablet computer turned on displaying facebook. 7 Best Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Best Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Improving your LinkedIn profile is about more than just filling out fields; it’s about presenting yourself as a professional who adds value and builds connections. By optimizing your headline, crafting a compelling About section, using media to showcase your work, and regularly engaging with your network, you’ll make a lasting impression on potential employers, clients, or collaborators.

At StarAvis.com, we believe in the power of a strong online presence, and by applying these tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing your professional brand on LinkedIn.

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